In the curricular evaluation of cooking schools, the ability of the student to replicate and accurately known parameters and values is assessed through subjective indicators. At the Culinary Institute of Barcelona we know that professional success does not work this way because kitchens are, fundamentally, teamwork. We judge the global results in the same way as in companies, and we reserve personal assessment for those cognitive and attitudinal skills that make the individual different. It is a pedagogical model with cross-sectional and motivating evaluation that uses the challenge as a framework for action for students to make their proposals for resolution.
"Contrary to what many people think, academic ability is not synonymous with intelligence. We have become used to believing that a child who does not do well in school is not intelligent, when in fact he may be very talented and bright and creative. The problem is in the educational system intelligence is not valued, but the ability to excel in certain subjects or subjects ".
Ken Robinson
When we designed the CIB, we had already determined that independent subject assessment systems were neither useful nor close to the reality of the professional world. People, in their work, are not judged by their degree as experts in a certain function, but by their global capacity rather than the specific one. So we asked ourselves why we should follow the traditional evaluation model by analyzing microknowledge (the fractions of what you know) instead of measuring macroknowledge (what you know how to do with what you know), as in real life.
"Life is about challenges, not forms."
Ferran Fisas
Integrated into the educational model and study plan, the Challenge allows us to visualize the result independently of the micro, evaluating transversally by involving knowledge, skills, attitudes and possibilities through challenges to solve real and increasingly complex problems. .
We believe that the evaluation experience should be positive, useful and motivating to improve oneself by providing an extraordinary level of self-knowledge.
In the CIB, subjects are evaluated in a transversal way. In other words, in the same exercise, different subjects are evaluated simultaneously. For this to be possible, the following precepts must be met:
This is why when we evaluate someone who creates or innovates it is certainly complex to adjust to predetermined parameters, since creativity starts from the need to get out of the predetermined and innovation from the known. We believe and affirm that, in the context of the development of creativity in education and innovation, everything a student says or does is a proposal and these can never be considered incorrect, good or bad, but adjusted or not to the objective of the exercise.
Therefore, it is necessary that there is always a defined objective in each evaluation session (just as there should be in each learning experience) for the evaluation to meet it.
These objectives must be defined in each subject of the evaluation and they mus have taxonomic congruence (know, understand, apply, analyze, evaluate, create) and, after that, have the grading of the rubric adjusted.